Child labour
Striving soft petals……….
Child labour is still a very big issue in developing countries including India. Our government also took many steps in this way to prevent this bad deed.

This problem is very sensitive because these soft petals are the future of incredible India.
We can easily notice little kids bagging on traffic lights, labouring, working in farms. This is not their wish to do these works but their financial condition forces them and their parents towards this sin.
Parents also do not send them to school , but what can they do, if some one don’t have any idea of his present then how will he think of future. The same is with these humans they do not know whether they’ll be able to get two time meal today, then how will they think of future. It is obvious that first they’ll secure their present.
Our government understands this problem very well and that's why it had taken many steps to take students to school like government schools offer learning either completely free or on a mere fees of 50 rupees per month and these schools also provides mid day meals.
These Mid-day meals are given to students with two intentions:
Mainly they would get prober nutrition which is not possible for them while staying at home or doing any labour work
Secondly these mid day meals encourage parents to send their students to school because at least they’ll get proper food there.
In India education is compulsory till the age of 14 but after complete implementation of the New Education Policy, the minimum age for mandatory education will be 18 years.
This problem still exists but it’s going on a declining rate as parents are becoming more aware and government also is putting it’s blood, sweat and tears to eradicate this stumbling block which is a key factor in slowing down India’s development.
India is full of youth and if our youth would be engaged only in these works of labouring then how’ll be gain back our position of ‘Vishwa Guru’ again.